www.tellhuhot.com – HuHot Guest Satisfaction Survey

Tell HuHot

  • Complete this survey to share your HuHot Mongolian Grill dining experience
  • Every single dish here is prepared right in front of you, so you know what ingredients you’re getting
  • HuHot currently has over 50 locations around the United States from Washington to South Carolina, with more coming each year!

Especially with today’s health conscious society, people are concerned with what goes in to their food. When you dine out at a restaurant, it can be tough to choose options where you know exactly what you’re getting. But with HuHot Mongolian Grill, you see exactly what goes in to your food, and it’s cooked directly in front of you. You simply take a bowl, fill it with your choice of meats, seafood, vegetables, and noodles, add on a signature or “create your own sauce” and take it to the grill where a trained chef will prepare it. Once it’s done, you’ll finish it off with one of their delicious toppings. What could be easier?

To begin, enter the 15 digit survey code that can be found at the bottom of your receipt. This makes sure that your feedback is applied to the appropriate location. Once you start, you’ll be asked some questions about your visit. Be ready to tell how your food was, whether or not you found everything you were looking for, and how your interaction with the staff was. At the end, you’ll have an opportunity to share any comments that weren’t covered by survey questions. This is your chance to be completely honest, and HuHot needs that! With honest answers from their customers, HuHot will only get even better.

To contact HuHot with a customer service comment:

  • Use the “contact” form on their website. You can choose the specific HuHot location if you’d like.
