www.help.norton.com – Start Norton Help Remote Session

Help Norton

  • To start a Norton Help Remote session, customers will need to enter their 6 digit PIN code provided by the Norton Support Agent and click Connect
  • Once a customer has entered their 6 digit Norton PIN, they can click “run” in the dialogue boxes that follow to actually begin the Norton Remote Help Session
  • Any customer with a Norton product can use the Norton Remote Connection system for support for their software, regardless of whether that software was in warranty or not

Customers who are having trouble with a Norton product can use the online support system to speak with a Norton agent for technical support. The Norton Remote Connect site is not available 24/7, but is limited to the hours that Norton agents are available to chat. While using Norton’s Remote Connect tool, customers are chatting live with a Norton agent, and their conversation will be monitored and recorded by Norton for future training purposes. The Norton Remote Connect tool is available to both customers who have Windows devices and those with Apple devices. During a Norton Remote Connect session, the customer will download a piece of software that will allow a Norton agent to connect to the customer’s computer from an outside location.

Help Norton Notes

  • Operated by Symantec Corporation
  • Provides expert advice in relation to Norton products
  • Available in languages other than English
  • Norton accepts all major credit cards when paying for their products

What is required to use the Norton Remote Connect Session?

Customers do use Norton Remote Connect at their own risk, and they are asserting that they own a legal Norton product license holder. Norton recommends that customers using Remote Connect make a backup of all of their files before using the system, as Norton will not be liable for any files that are lost while using this system.

To contact Help Norton About a Remote Connect Session

  • 1 (855) 815-2726

Primary References

  1. www.help.norton.com