www.getsuperbeets.com – SuperBeets Exclusive TV Offer

Get Super Beets

  • Obtain more information about the Get Super Beets promotional offer
  • This promotional offer includes a buy 2 SuperBeets canisters and get 1 FREE promotion plus the customer will get free FREE GIFTS
  • The promotion features free shipping

The Get Super Beets promotional offer checks in at $79.90 and has been featured on such high-end TV stations as Fox News, CNN, National Geographic, and the Food Network.  Super Beets provides Dietary Nitrates To Boost Nitric Oxide Production and is available in black cherry flavor.  Nitric Oxide benefits the human body by improving circulation and blood flow plus it helps arteries to relax.  The Get Super Beets product is best used when tossing it into a smoothie or customers can simply mix it with tap water but this is the more disgusting option.  An ideal super beets smoothie recipe is as follows: 1 cup frozen blueberries, 1 banana, 1 cup of almond milk, 1 scoop of Super Beets powder… mix in a blender and serve.

So far so good but what about the freebies associated with the Get Super Beets offer?

  • Free Gifts Include: 1 FREE SuperBeets canister (each canister of SuperBeets contains 30 5-gram servings of beetroot crystals)
  • FREE Beet The Odds book
  • FREE Nitric Oxide Indicator Strips
  • Plus as stated above customers will enjoy FREE shipping & processing
  • The product has the added bonus of being gluten-free and made in the United States (Donald Trump would approve)
  • When mixing the product with water it is recommended to use at least 4 oz of water

The Get Super Beets promotional offer comes with a nice little 90-day money-back guarantee and any questions about the product/offer can be directed to 1-800-664-5617.  It should be noted that the statements made at the Get Super Beets promotional website have NOT been evaluated by FDA.  Super Beets is distributed by Neogenis Laboratories, Inc and uses non-GMO beets grown from carefully selected seeds.

Primary References

  1. www.getsuperbeets.com