www.beefeatergrillfeedback.co.uk – Beef Eater Customer Survey

Beef Eater Grill Feedback

  • Let Beefeater Grill corporate know what’s going right, and what’s going wrong
  • Save your receipt, because you’ll need the details like house number and check number
  • Beefeater Grill opened in 1974, and now operates over 130 pub restaurants in the United Kingdom

The biggest way restaurant shapes operations is customer feedback. By taking this survey, you have the chance to let Beefeater Grill know how things are going, good or bad. Managers can’t see everything, so they need customers to let them know when things are going right, and when they’re going wrong. If you have your receipt, save it because you’ll need the details on it (like the check number and the house number) to make sure your input makes it to the right people.

  • The restaurant’s name references both the Yeomen Warders, or beefeaters that serve as Palace and Fortress Guard, as well as their primary offerings of meat (mostly beef) on the menu
  • Steak is, and has been, one of the most popular meals in Britain, and Beefeater Grill serves over 12 million customers every single year
  • All of their steaks are sourced from local farms that must adhere to very strict standards. Then, it’s aged for at least three weeks to make sure you get the most delicious and tender meat possible.

Beefeater Grill can be contacted three ways:
