www.vec.virginia.gov/unemployed – Virginia New Claim For Unemployment Benefits

Virginia New Claim For Unemployment Benefits

  • File a new unemployment claim for the state of Virginia
  • Login to make your weekly certification to keep your Virginia unemployment benefits going
  • Download a 1099-G form from the State of Virginia that you’ll need when it’s time to file your taxes

Being unemployed is never an easy situation, but the Virginia Employment Commission is here to help make things a little more bearable. With their online system, you can conveniently handle everything regarding your unemployment claim. With the Virginia Employment Commission’s website, you can start a claim for new Virginia unemployment benefits, restart a claim if you’ve had a break in your weekly request, file your weekly claim to keep your benefits going, choose what payment method you want (debit card or direct deposit), and download a 1099-G form.

A few days after you submit your application online, you’ll receive a six digit PIN in the mail. You’ll need this number (along with your Social Security number every time you contact the VEC.

There are several conditions you will need to meet to start receiving your unemployment benefits in the state of Virginia. You must be fully unemployed, you must be able and available to work, you must register through the VEC Workforce Connection and attempt to look for work, you must report what jobs you’ve applied for (and any jobs that you turn down), and you must file your weekly certification with the Virginia Unemployment Commission on time each week.

While you’re unemployed, many people will recommend that you treat your time off just like a regular job, meaning that you devote 40 hours a week towards finding your next job! While you’re looking though, remember that you’ve got your State of Virginia Unemployment benefits to help you out.

To contact the Virginia Unemployment Office regarding your benefits:

  • 703 E. Main St, Richmond, VA, 23219
  • 866-832-2363
