www.sprint.com/changeofownership – Customer Instructions for Change of Ownership

Sprint Change Of Ownership

  • Customers who are processing a change of ownership on a Sprint cell phone account will need the current account holder and the accepting account holder to have active Sprint accounts
  • The releasing party must have the account number of the person the Sprint phone is being transferred to
  • If either party in the transfer does not have a current Sprint account, one will need to be established with the account number or serial number along with a contact phone number

Sprint customers who are trying to transfer a phone line to another party using the Sprint Change Of Ownership service will need to meet certain credit qualification with Sprint and must have an account in good standing. To fully process a Sprint change of ownership, both parties must agree to be contacted by Sprint.

Sprint Change Of Ownership Comments

  • One both parties in a transfer have completed and submitted the paperwork, Sprint recommends allowing up to five business days for the change of ownership to fully take effect
  • While the transfer is processing, no changes can be made to any part of the service, including changing phone numbers, upgrading devices, or adding features to the account
  • The process for transferring a Sprint telephone line to another customer is the same for both personal lines and corporate business lines
  • Yhe Releasor must provide the Acceptor’s account number in order to initiate the online process.

More Customers Should Know About Sprint

Sprint Communications offers wireless and broadband services in the United States, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands. Sprint is famous for their NASCAR FanView device, (which Time magazine called the Invention of the Year) , which is a tablet like device that gives race fans in-car camera channels, live audio feeds, plus broadcast radio and more.

  • Has a history that dates back to 1899
  • Serves almost 60 million customers each year
  • Is currently the fourth largest wireless provider in the United States

Any questions about the Sprint Change of Ownership service can be directed to 855-808-4185 or customers looking to contact the firm via mail should write to the Sprint Headquarters at 6200 Sprint Pkwy. Overland Park, KS 66251.

Primary References

  1. www.sprint.com/changeofownership