www.progene77.com – Get Paid to Participate and to Increase Your Levels?

Progene 77

  • The Progene77 service lets people find more information about Progene Testosterone Research opportunities that give patients the opportunity to receive medical treatment for their low testosterone and receive compensation in the process
  • When men sign up to lean more at Progene77, they can join hundred of men from around the country in the largest testosterone study of its kind
  • Not everyone who applies will be paid

Please note in this study, men will measure their testosterone levels, take Progene, and then measure their testosterone levels after a certain time of taking Progene to see the results the medication had (and then get paid for their time taking the study). Through Progene77, men can find out their testosterone levels through saliva based testing methods, do all study steps from their home (testing materials are all shipped straight to their door at no charge), and get almost $200 in study materials in addition to their other compensation. Men who are participating in the Progene77 study can stop their participation at any time by logging in to their Progene77 account and clicking the “cancel study participation” link. Statements on the Progene77 page have not been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration, and any recommendations from newspapers or other sources on the Progene77 site aren’t considered to be any form of journalism or research, but just marketing and advertising.

Who can participate in the Progene77 study?

Patients who are taking any other medications, any medicines that require a prescription to get, those who have a history of heart conditions or other major medical issues, problems with blood pressure regulation or prostate issues will need to ask their doctor if Progene is right for them and if they’re fit to participate in this study.

To contact Progene about taking part in the Progene Testosterone Study

  • 544 W Liberty St, Suite 200, Cincinnati, OH 45214
  • (866) 776-4363

Primary references

  1. www.progene77.com