www.onemainfinancial.com pay my loan – One Main Flexible Payment Options

One Main Financial Pay My Loan

  • Obtain more information in regards to paying down a loan with One Main
  • All loan offers through One Main Financial are subject to credit approval (i.e. the customer must have a good credit score) and other restrictions and requirements may apply
  • Monthly payments are required in order to avoid harming a credit score

The One Main Financial Pay My Loan options include Recurring Payment Activation System, online payments using a checking account, AutoPay Advantage, payment by phone, send a payment via the good old fashion US Postal system, or make a payment in person at a One Main Financial branch.  Please note the Recurring Payment Activation System from One Main is s powered by Western Union Speedpay and will be used to verify an electronic payment agreement (consumers looking to enroll in this popular recurring payment option will need their OneMain Financial account number and the Recurring Payment Plan ID).

One Main Financial Pay My Loan Comments

  • Online payments via the account homepage can be made 24 hours a day 7 days a week
  • Customers can make a one time payment or set up recurring monthly, semi-monthly or bi-weekly payments
  • Auto Pay Advantage requires the customer to have a bank routing and account number (these numbers are found at the bottom of a check)
  • Pay at a One Main Financial branch with good old fashion cash, check, debit card, or money order
  • Payments over the phone are free of charge and can be made with any checking account or with a debit card

Loan customers who elect to mail their payments should mail it 5 days ahead of the payment due date in order to ensure the payment is credited to their One Main Financial account before the payment due date (customers who do not do this run with risk of making a late payment).

Primary References

  1. www.onemainfinancial.com pay my loan