www.fastpokemap.se – Track Pokemon Online Map and Scanner

Fast Poke Map

  • Track those cute Pokemon online
  • This app provides a map of the players current location and the Pokemon that are around them
  • Free to use (but they do accept donations with any major credit card… Visa, American Express, Discover)

Fast Poke Map is one of the top rated trackers for the new Pokemon Go game that was released in July and has taken the world by storm.  Please note in order to view Pokemon in the players given area they will have to allow the tracker to access their current location via GPS.  Those who do not allow Fast Poke Map to access their GPS will not be able to use this FREE service.

FastPoke Map is a great alternative for those near a PC.

The only problem with these third-party tracker service (i.e. Fast Poke Map, PokeMesh) is that Niantic hates them (and that’s a big problem since they make the game).  Niantic despises these tracker services because these third-party apps pinging its servers and wasting its precious bandwidth.  So as one might expect Niantic does everything in their power to shut these suckers down (but the more they shut down the more pop up).  Only time will tell who will win the battle over Pokemon tracker services.

Primary References

  1. www.fastpokemap.se