www.ebayexpression.com – Provide feedback, input and insights eBay

eBay Expression

  • Discuss all things buying and selling on eBay in the eBay Expressions forums
  • eBay Expressions is a community of forums and surveys that help eBay users learn from each other, and help eBay learn from their users
  • eBay was founded in 1995, and has local operations in more than 30 countries with more that 250 million searches being done on the site every single day

eBay Expression is a community of eBay users that share information, advice, and tips about all things eBay – purchasing items, listing items for sale, photographing items for an eBay auction, and packing eBay items to ship. The insight and real world feedback from each eBay Expression user helps make eBay a better place to buy and sell.

eBay Expressions contains surveys and forum discussions about eBay products, services, new concepts and ideas so that the eBay corporate can get a good idea of what their sellers need and want.

Users who sign up for eBay Expression will be asked to sign a Non Disclosure Agreement stating they won’t reveal and proprietary eBay information within these forums, and that any private information in the eBay Expression forums won’t be released to any other source.

More about eBay

  • The online web site eBay was founded in 1995, and currently has local operations in over 30 nations
  • It’s estimated that eBay has 162 million current users, and that 250 million searches are conducted on eBay every single day
  • More than 800 million items are listed in the eBay marketplace at any given time

eBay has become more widely known in recent years due to their acquisition of huge online brands like StubHub, Skype, Craigslist, and PayPal. In 2014, eBay encountered controversy when a list of usernames, passwords, phone numbers, and physical addresses was compromised by hackers.

To contact eBay corporate offices:

  • 2065 Hamilton Ave, San Jose, CA 95125
  • (408) 376-7400
