www.dir.alabama.gov – Unemployment Compensation Weekly Certification

DIR Alabama

  • Alabama residents who are receiving Unemployment Compensation can logon to file their weekly certification
  • Residents can also access their 1099-G Tax Form to show unemployment benefits
  • Alabama citizens who need to file a new Unemployment Compensation claim can do so through this website

Alabama’s Unemployment Compensation program (aka DIR Alabama) is designed to help residents who find themselves out of work with necessary funds to live. Alabama requires that any person receiving Unemployment Compensation benefits file a weekly certification that shows they are actively looking for work. Alabama residents can log on to file their weekly unemployment certification and keep their benefits coming.

Almost 6% of Alabama residents were considered unemployed in 2015, with 128,105 residents not having work at some point. Jefferson county had the most unemployed residents, with just over 17,000, while Perry County had just 300 unemployment claims. The Commissioner of Alabama’s Department of Labor is Fitzgerald Washington.

Users of the labor.alabama.gov website can do more than just file their weekly certification. They can also file a new Unemployment Compensation claim, view the status of their last five Alabama weekly certifications, find their 1099-G Tax Form and more.

If Alabama finds any Unemployment Compensation claim to be fraudulent, the person submitting that claim will be banned from receiving unemployment benefits for two years, until the fraudulent payments are repaid in full. There will also be a 15% penalty added to the balance of the overpayments, with an interest rate of 2% per month.

The Alabama Department of Labor is located at 649 Monroe St, Montgomery, AL 36131.

To contact the state of Alabama about your Unemployment Compensation claim:

  • Call 1-866-234-5382


  1. www.dir.alabama.gov